Varicose Veins India

Do’ s and don’ts of Varicose Veins

Vein health is important. But the number of people suffering from this number is huge. The numbers will likely blow you away. Do you know 30% of people struggle with this vein issue? Yes, you heard it right. Because that is the statistic, we are looking at today. With such a huge number, vein health is a problem that should be more widely understood. Unfortunately, it is not. With a better understanding of vein health, people will better know what they should and should not be doing if their vein health is at risk. To assist you with more information, here’s what you need to know the do’s and don’ts for vein health. For more details or information on Varicose Vein, visit our website or get in touch with Dr. Shoaib F. Padaria at Doctor House Cardiovascular Center in Mumbai.

Maintain healthy veins with these do’s and don’ts.

There are many things you probably do not think of that can affect your vein health. Things that may negatively impact your vein health. Let us start with what you should not be doing.

Don’t sit or stand for long periods of time.

Problems you will face from a sedentary lifestyle:

  • Sitting burns fewer calories. Low-energy activities such as sitting or lying down do not require much energy, and as a result, keep your daily calorie burn to a minimum.
  • Sitting means greater chances of weight gain. The more you sit, the less you are being mobile, which means you’re at a higher risk of becoming overweight, and possibly even obese.
  • Sitting puts you at risk for diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. People who sit for long periods of time without lowering their caloric intake to accommodate are at high risk of becoming insulin resistant.
  • Sitting leads to an early death. Most people who spend a great deal of time sitting are at a higher risk of dying early.
  • Sitting cannot be reversed by one hour of exercise. Regardless of how intense your workout is, you still need to get up at least every 90 minutes to move around a bit. One hour on the treadmill does not fix your 12 hours of sitting.

Don’t eat a lot of sugar.

When it comes to your vein health, sugar wreaks havoc on your body in several ways. The more sugar you take in, the more your body produces a lipoprotein that can get stuck to the walls of your blood vessels. And this is a massive problem for your veins. With this build-up of plaque on your blood vessel walls, your blood can clot, which will lead to vein issues, along with several other problems (including high cholesterol). You want to avoid overdoing sugar, and make sure you’re drinking lots of water to keep your vessels clot-free.

Don’t think your vein problems will disappear.

The longer that you leave your vein problems untreated, the higher you are putting yourself at risk of developing some serious health issues. If you put off treating your veins too long, you could end up with deep vein thrombosis. And trust us — this is something you do not want to face.

Don’t smoke.

Even your veins are not immune to the dangers of smoking. Chemicals in cigarettes can cause your blood to thicken and lose oxygen, which makes your blood flow much more slowly. Pair that with the fact that the nicotine in cigarettes hardens your arteries, and you are looking at high chances of some serious blood clots happening. So, toss away the cigarette and your veins will thank you. How about you skip worrying about that, and simply contact a vein specialist near you when you sense something with your veins is off. For more details or information on Varicose Vein, visit our website or get in touch with Dr. Shoaib F. Padaria at Doctor House Cardiovascular Center in Mumbai.

DO’s: Things That May Help Improve Your Vein Health

We are not all about what you should not do — there are some things you should definitely be doing to help improve your vein health.

Do walk regularly.

Keep walking. It is one of the best ways to keep your veins healthy, and how you can combat that sedentary lifestyle. Walking is great because it is low-impact and gets your circulation going without putting too much strain on the rest of your body. By simply walking 30 minutes a day, you will do a lot of good to your veins.

Do maintain a healthy diet.

Focus on a healthy diet free of excess sugar and salt and see your vein health improve. Eating healthy for your veins is easy. Here are some tips on how to boost your health to help your veins:

  • Increase fiber intake. Not only does fiber help your body digest food better, but it also keeps your body from absorbing unhealthy fats.
  • Eat more vitamin C. Vitamin C boosts collagen and elastin creation in your body, which is key to keeping your veins contracting and dilating so they can do their job.
  • Drink more water. Water is key to keeping your system flushed and keeping you all-around healthy. We bet you’re not drinking as much as you should be!
  • Up your Rutin intake. “Rutin? What’s that?” Rutin is a flavonoid and antioxidant that help reduce inflammation caused by damaged veins. It also serves to help prevent blood clots. High amounts of Rutin occur naturally in foods like buckwheatasparagus, unpeeled applesfigsblack teagreen tea, and elderflower tea. Eating an apple or figs, or drinking a glass of green tea, can automatically introduce more Rutin into your diet.
  • Lower salt consumption. Too much salt in your diet can lead to fluid retention, which adds pressure to your veins and could cause them some serious harm.

Do elevate your legs.

Do not wait until the end of the day — elevate your legs throughout the day to help with circulation. You can do this by either resting them on your desk or a table, or by lying against a wall and putting your legs up the wall. Elevating your legs gives your veins a break from their work and takes the pressure off of your legs.

Do get vein problems treated.

If they are handled early-on, vein problems you are having should be a fairly easy and painless thing to treat. So, what are you waiting for? Do not wait until something terrible happens. Start changing your bad habits around to get your vein health on track, and your entire body will thank you.


For more information or treatment techniques, visit our website which is available in English, Gujarati, Hindi and Marathi languages. For an appointment, call our office Doctor House Cardiovascular Center on 022 – 23525001 or 022 23526001 between 10 am and 5 pm on Weekdays and 10 and 2 pm on Saturday. Our consultation Chambers are at Pedder Road, Thane and Chembur. Call our office for details.

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